How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
This is a screen recording of how we put a vignette on our adverts. We chose to put on a vignette on the advert because we think it draws it all together, it also directs our target audiences attention to the photograph of Morgan which makes her more recognisable.
This is a screen recording of us using the pencil tool to fix her eyes. A lot of the photographs on our digipak are stills from the video, we did this to create synergy. But because of this some of them were not particularly good quality, as we learned in AS the audience are more drawn to something if they have eye contact. So we chose this shot as our album cover but edited her eyes slightly by colour picking the right shade of blue and taking the opacity right down, then doing the same for the black and then the white. Being able to see the white light in her eyes more makes them stand out and will in turn draw our target audience in more.
This screen recording is of us putting a transition on part of our video, we used a few transitions but for our genre we thought that cuts work better. There is a lot of quick beats in the song and it looked better if it was just a sharp cut. We have used transitions during the slower part of the song because it slows the video down to match the pace of the song.
These recordings is are how we cut shots and fixed the colour on them. The first video is how we colour corrected the first shot, but from this (second video) we could just copy and past the attributes of a shot, making all our performance shots the same colours. This was quite a challenge because we had 3 different cameras recording the performance shots and from different angles the lighting was different, it was difficult to get them all looking the same like conventional music videos.
This screen recording was of the most difficult part in our video, making day into night for the party scene. For this we used a 'spot' filter and make it dark and put a lot of contrast on it. If we could reshoot one thing in our video this would be it because it would look better if we filmed it at night, but then you would not be able to see the powder paint as well.

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