Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Similar Product Research 5. - Editing.

Frank Turner - Recovery - Music Video Analysis.

Link to video

  • Low key lighting in warehouse walking into camera with guitar
  • Stops at full body shot and starts playing guitar and singing
  • The top of the picture peels away to a different shot of the top 3rd of his body
  • Bottom 3rd of pic peels away, the shots don’t match up
  • 1 word of the lyrics over lays the middle section of his face in the close up
  • ECU of guitar, screen still split
  • Cut to LS of him again with his band in the background of the middle 3rd
  • Bottom 3rd cuts to hand drawn legs (More legs in bottom 3rd than the other 2)
  • Quick cut to him surrounded by people facing him (still in 3rds)
  • Cut to people facing away from him and hand drawn hands holding ticket over middle 3rd
  • Cut to first shot again but with the people’s legs on the bottom 3rd then their bodies in the 2nd third and just his feet in the bottom then all surrounding him again in all 3 sections
  • Cut to ECU of drum but 2nd 3rd of it is hand drawn
  • Same with the next shot of guitar
  • Shot of him and the band again, the sections are slightly out of line
  • CU of him singing not in 3rds
  • Cut back to LS of him with people dancing in 2nd section
  • Hand drawn 3 people playing guitars in 2nd section
  • Quick changes in 2nd section between hand drawn just him, then the band again.
  • The sections then muddle up at the top there is a CU of the bass drum, then his hand drawn guitar being played and on the bottom there is the feet of the dancing people
  • The 2nd section changes to his mouth singing
  • Cuts to 3 different guitars being played then back to LS of him with ECU of guitar in 2nd section
  • Back to LS of him and band then the band disappear and leave the instruments behind him
  • Cuts to hand drawn road in 1st section – ‘it’s a long road back to recovery’
  • Lyrics in all 3 sections ‘making it right’
  • Skeletons in 2nd section and feet in 3rd
  • Keeps cutting between hand drawn imagery, people dancing and him and the band
  • ‘If anybody ever asks us lets just tell them that we met in jail’ – jail drawings around him and her
  • Screen changes into horizontal not vertical sections with hand drawn waves and a woman-playing guitar
  • Then 3 different shots of him playing guitars
  • Same 3 shots change around, quick shot of hand drawn skeleton in middle section
  • Back to vertical sections and lyrics in the middle
  • ‘walk a little taller’ – bottom section his hand drawn feet crushing a city
  • Shows album cover moving and beating
  • ECU of his mouth – middle is hand drawn
  • Mixture of shots of people dancing, screen splits lots
  • Finishes on a hand drawn tape with the album name on it ‘Tape Deck Heart’

1 comment:

  1. A good list of editing techniques. label the post title and add some cut aways so i can see some visual examples.
