Update of ideas.
We have decided to expand our range of ideas for our music videos as the Alex Turner song is just too slow. We have decided on 4 possible artists with a couple of songs each.
* British legion
* Doomsday
* Bow
* Bumblebee
* Last of the ladies
* Kimberly
* Will it be this way forever?
Lady Gaga
* Dope
* Speechless
Kate Nash
* Fluorescent adolescent
* I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance
Once we have decided as a group which song we would like to use then we shall email the record company to get their copy right permission. We need to start thinking of people we could use in our music video and possible locations.
This a good creative development however, if you are going to use Morgan, you need to consider a song that will suit her. I just cannot see her as Gaga!