Thursday, 27 November 2014

(Group Post) - Photo-shoot For Ancillary Products.


These are a few photographs we have selected from our studio shoot that we are going to use in our digipack. We are going to do another photoshoot in outdoor locations.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Studio Hair and Makeup.


Last night we set up a studio and got our artist to sing the song all the way through. This means we have another location for our video. She was wearing a peach coloured dress, although the song is called 'Little Black Dress' we wanted to show that she isn't all about her social life, the black dress is for parties and going out, but she has a different side to her, the cute and girly side which is the side of her her fans mainly see.

(Group Post) - Story Boards.

Story Boards

Note: We do not plan on continuing our artistic careers!

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

(Group Post) - Little Black Dress Rough Cut 1.

First Cut of Our Video

(Group Post) - Uploading to Youtube.

Uploading Our First Rough Cut to Youtube

It was our first time uploading a video to YouTube so we both learnt new skills, which I’m sure we’ll put into practice as we develop more shots. In the description bar we included a link to the email Sara Bareilles’ manager sent us in response to our request for copyright to the song.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Final Cut Problems.


We had some problems with Final Cut Pro X because we didn't create the new file properly therefore it didn't save as it should. It was only a very rough cut using the shots that we had gotten. We are planning to have another filming session very soon and a photo-shoot for our digipak.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Camera Problems.

Camera Problems

After filming our first few shots we realised the camera cuts them short, we need to re-shoot some shots and make sure to leave time afterwards so none of the real shot is cut off.